March 2013 album (the one below)
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This is an older pic. The cats were fatter then. See the filth in the background.
(This photo was taken from Pak Mie's own Facebook album.)
Click link below for more pics.
Sick cat freely roaming.
(Pic comes from Pak Mie's own FB album.)
Kittens crying out for food.
(Pic from Pak Mie's own FB album.)
Better than living on the streets? Newspaper soaked with urine. Cats sitting on newspaper soaked with urine. Bowl encrusted with dried faeces.
(Pic from Pak Mie's own FB album.)
The dark patch of ground on the left is not water but urine. Can you imagine the stench in this place? The cats have to live in this for the rest of their miserable lives.
(Pic is from Pak Mie's own FB album.)
Cats marooned on table, dogs circling below. This is an older pic, cats were still of normal weight then.
(From Pak Mie's own FB album.)
What have they done to deserve this??
(March 9, 2013)This is after the cage has been cleaned (fresh newspaper underneath). Cats can stretch out somewhat without sitting in their faeces. Food bowl contains wet and putrefying kibble, new kibble will then be added on top of that because no time to clean. Water contains food remnants and is putrefying but at least it hasn't turned white yet.
(March 9, 2013)
(March 9, 2013)
Faeces and newspaper encrusted on bottom of cage. Cage will not be cleaned before the next animal is put in. The cages have never been cleaned. They don't even have time to give water to all the animals.
(March 9, 2013)
(March 9, 2013)
Mangy dog freely roaming. Poop, viruses, mites, fleas and eggs all freely deposited to live in the soil.
(March 9, 2013)
Mangy cat freely roaming. Death is a daily occurrence. "Kehendak Allah," Mak Intan says.
(March 9, 2013)
Three cats in one cage. Litter pan filled with mixture of water, faeces, newspaper and kibble. Cats have no place left to sit, that's why they always poo in their food and water bowls. This is after cleaning, so at least the newspaper is not laden with faeces, yet. Cats crying out for food. Water bowl nearly empty, with putrefying food remnants and dried faeces encrusted on the rim. New water will just be added to that, if at all. Some others are not so lucky. They don't even have a water bowl! No money? Pak Mie already had 6 figures in donations long before this.
(March 9, 2013)
Cat enclosure with dogs inside. (Pics pan from right to left.)
(March 9, 2013)
This is after cleaning. The puppies shred the newspaper out of boredom. Mak Intan would sweep it up and burn it right there in the room later. The kettle and watering can are used to top up the water through the cage bars.
(March 9, 2013)
Dead flies after being sprayed with diesel (cheap pesticide). Animals drink water with fly-borne viruses and diesel. Not pictured here are another 300 flies which have flown away when I stepped near.
(March 9, 2013)
Faeces building up on ground until almost touching bottom of cage.
(March 9, 2013)
Dog enclosure: Mangy dog freely mixing.
(Pic from Pak Mie's own FB album.)
The puppies don't even have enough space to stretch out. They have to poo and pee in the little space in between.
(March 9, 2013)
Mangy dogs free mixing with the healthy.
(March 9, 2013)
Poop and plate!
(March 16, 2013)
Life sentence prisoner (or is that death sentence?), has never taken a step beyond his chain.
(March 9, 2013)
Miko the rottie when he was taken from his owner - bright eyes, shiny coat and smiley face.
(Pic from Pak Mie's own FB album.)
Miko after Pak Mie's.
(Pic from Pak Mie's own FB album.)
But he was still a healthy weight then.
(Pic from Pak Mie's FB album.)
Two months later - no more meat on his bones. Water bowl almost always dry.
(February 2013)
(August 2013)
Mimi is paralysed, incontinent and has a bedsore.
(February 13, 2013)
Mimi one month later.
(March 15, 2013)
(March 15, 2013)
Semi-paralysed puppy with open bedsore.
(March 9, 2013)
The chicken was white again after I bathed him. (He was brown before.) They feed him cat kibble, sometimes rabbit pellets (grass). He is so malnourished, the tip of his wing feathers were bald. He is so brain damaged that he has forgotten how to be a chicken. When I put him outside in the grass and sun for two hours to dry, he did not eat anything around him nor attempted to take a dust bath. He just stood there like a statue for the entire two hours, as he had done for years in his cage. When I put him on a tree branch, he fell off like a rock because his feet could not grip anymore after standing on the flat bottom of his cage for so long. I put a branch in his cage for him to stand on but he was afraid of it and crouched in a corner, not daring to step on and over it. It was not until a month later that he was able to stand on it without falling off.
They feed the parrot rabbit pellets. I don't know what parrots eat, but I'm sure it's not grass. His cage was at the edge of the roof, so the rain blows in. His rabbit pellets got damp and grew bugs (like the sort in rice). There were so many bugs, they spilled over onto the ground below and moved into the dogs' leftover kibble. The parrot's food dish was full - he never touched the rabbit food. I dumped the whole thing and gave him some grains that I had bought for the chicken - what, rice, millet and corn. I wasn't sure if it was the right food for parrots, but it was all that I had. He saw the food and climbed down from his perch and ate and ate and ate. Even the bird is underweight.
There are more animals not pictured here. 2 monkeys, 2 budgies, 3 ducks, 1 squirrel, a few sugar gliders, 1 ferret and 5 rabbits.