25 March 2013

Red FM Teh Tarik Party Fundraiser

Woohoo! The first real accounting, and perhaps the only one we will ever see, of Pak Mie’s money. RM18,000 for Pak Mie Shelter (Source: Red FM). One person even donated RM10,000 (Source: The Star). Whee!!!

Now there is enough money to buy:
18,000 water bowls
2.25 tonnes of goat's meat for the dogs to eat
Spay or neuter 72 animals
Treat 450 animals for mange
Hire 2 full-time workers for 10 months

Now, let’s see if your money is used for any of the above.

On the morning of the same day, Pet Project Malaysia also held a fundraiser for Pak Mie Shelter and two other (legitimate) NGOs. (Read more about this at The Star.)

Another five-figure fundraiser! Let’s see where all your money goes after this.