23 March 2013

Cleanup Day

A conversation I had with another volunteer. Chatting about the gotong-royong (cleaning campaign) we organised last weekend (March 15-17).

K: ... the dogs there deserves better home. He is not taking care of the dogs. Let the dog eat leftover nasi lemak till the pups there vomit n diarrhea.

Me: Omg, eat nasi lemak! You know why... it rained on the second day, nobody went. There were so many boxes of food uneaten.

K: Ya la.. the rice he bought for us with the fund.

Me: Money we donated?

K: I already asked him don’t buy but he insisted he had the funds.

Me: Want to [look like a hero], is it?

K: We said the fund is to be used for the dogs and shelter. But he insisted.

Me: @#$%!!!

K: Who wants to eat with dirty hands at such an unhygienic place?

Me: That’s a lot of money wasted. There were 20-30 boxes of food there. I already told the volunteers to eat before going because we won’t be eating there, cos cannot wash hands, water is filthy.

K: I was so disappointed that he didn’t book a water tanker for us. We got no choice but just to use the river water to do the cleaning n bathing.

Me: What??? He said YOU were booking the tanker! I was cursing you for not coming through with the clean water.

K: Yes he promised but he broke the promise.

Me: He told me YOU were bringing in a tanker.

K: Me? Omg. He didn’t book and we were so shocked at that time.

Me: See, this is what I mean, he doesn't want to spend money. Now I am ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!

K: Yes, me too. And the other volunteers.

Me: Fucker. He has either spent the money or used to pay debts or what. That lubuk water is so damn dirty. All the rotten food and faeces are washed down there and then pumped back up again, and you used that to bathe the dogs. Now they have even more diseases than before!!

K: Even some of the volunteers were so disappointed and quit after just two hours there.

Me: Why? Doing stupid work, is it?

K: So dirty. Even want to wash hands also just the river water.

Me: All shit in there. I’m the one who washed off all the shit from the water bowls there.

K: One of the volunteers almost vomited when he found the tank water at the kitchen there was full of houseflies n maggots and that’s the water he used to feed the animals.

Me: Maggots in the black tank? Got meh?

K: Yes. The volunteer climbed up and see. [volunteer’s name deleted]

Me: I also always look inside to see why the water is so damn dirty, but never seen maggots. What do they eat in there? Food remnants, faeces? ... I am so angry my hands are shaking. I told him to dig a hole for the bathing so that all the dirty water and soil can be put into the hole, sterilised and then buried.

K: Y so angry?

Me: As usual, he said ok ok and never does anything. When you bathe the dogs, the dirty water with all the fleas, mites and faeces will run all over the place.

K; Ya lah, he also keep saying ok about the tanker.

Me: Any dog that goes to the bathing spot will get infected by the mites and fleas - they can live in the soil. As if that was not bad enough, the next day there was a big rain and it washed all the mites and diseases all over the parking lot. Now there is disease everywhere.

K: We were really shocked when he didn’t book.

Me: He said you didn’t ask him first before announcing the gotong-royong.

K: Pak Mie said I didn’t inform him? Again liar... I informed him immediately when I got that idea from Mr. Khoo Teik Huat.

Me: He complained to me that you posted on the FB first. Then only you asked him.

K: U c, he is a liar.

Me: So you informed him and he said ok? The way he said it, he was not enthusiastic abt the idea at all cos it gave him more work to do.

K: Walao... Ok, the story is like this. Was at the shelter two weeks before the campaign. Met with Mr. Khoo. He was the one who suggested. So Mr Khoo and I directly asked Pak Mie n he said ok. He lied to u pula.

Me: Wah, 2 wks before, you had already asked him! Is it [another Khoo]?

K: No, canopy [shop owner] Mr. Khoo Teik Huat. Even the canopy I sponsored u know.

Me: Wah... you buy ah?

K: I rent. He didn’t use any penny of the fund to do anything.

Me: Omg! That's a lot of money!! I thought the boss sponsored it.

K: Mr Khoo sponsored another one. That’s y I m so angry.

Me: You mean [the canopy] for the gotong-royong or the main door?

K: Main door one sponsored by Mr Khoo.

Me: Give or borrow?

K: The campaign ones I sponsored. Pak Mie told me Mr Khoo gave him the one for the main entrance.

Me: Undeserving!

K: Then he still keep telling public he is poor n need cash donation.

Me: Geez. Have you taken back the two canopies that you rented? All the junk has spread there, it’s never gonna go back into the main area.

K: I knew that somebody is going to buy the canopies for him. Everything was sponsored. They are not poor at all.

Me: Exactly. I’m sure by now he already has more than 6 figures.

K: Some more the Red FM Teh Tarik Roadshow [fundraiser].

Me: I wrote to tell them about Pak Mie but they didn’t reply to me.

K: Those stupid out there still keep asking us stop cursing Pak Mie.


K: They knew the DVS [Dept. of Veterinary Services/Jabatan Haiwan] will be there, so I saw them trying to clean up the faeces.

Me: How did they know? Ooh... someone in there must have tipped him off. Or maybe they do clean every day.

K: He knew because he said he has a spy in there. No. Never. I always been there.

Me: What do you mean never? I’m sure they clean it, otherwise sure got shit all over the place.

K: But that was the very first time I saw Mak Intan so busy cleaning.

Me: Serious ah... I thought Mak Intan was sick that day.

K: Normally, I am there two to three times a week. Mak Intan is always sick.

Me: So you know how they work. She never sleeps mah.

K: She keeps complaining to me too. Pak Mie is so busy with entertaining the visitors.

Me: Last time before they were famous, what did Pak Mie do? Did he sweep up the poop or not?

K: Forgotten. Seems got. But now really no.

Me: Well, that everybody knows. Doesn’t he go and collect besi buruk [used metal for recycling]?

K: That is bull shit.

Me: OMG, so many lies. He looks like a lazy person.

K: Definitely.

Me: Cos when I asked him about the gotong-royong [a big group of us were going to help them do a major cleanup], he looked really pained that he had to handle us. OMG, so angry. All my sympathy for nothing. Got really taken in by this fraud.

K: We were working like servants but he was so busy entertaining n going out. Always drive here n there. Even Mak Intan also can’t find him. Sometime feel pity for Mak Intan also. Because she really needs rest.

Me: I have no pity. She took on more than she can chew. I want her to feel tired and realise that this has to stop.

K: Ya lah... I also told her that. But she insist her way.

Me: She is sick in the head. She is an animal hoarder, very, VERY serious case.

OMG, everything was a lie. I thought that he couldn’t possibly have collected besi buruk because his old car is like a jeep, you can’t put much in there. What did he do then?

K: He ah... keep asking for sympathy loh.

Me: Money from friends? Enough meh?

K: Aiyo, no need to worry what. Rice, kibbles, canned food, cages, meds, etc. were all sponsored.

Me: Before he was famous wor.

K: Friends? Like me la, monthly RM400.

Me: Wah...

K: Before famous also got [donations] already.

Me: Got enough to eat meh?

K: You worry what? He doesn’t even care.

Me: If 1 day eat 50kg of rice, that is also RM100.

K: That’s why dogs there eat cats because of hunger.

Me: What?!! Eat???? I’ve only seen them bite the cats.

K: Bite or eat also same la. They dare not eat because cats too dirty. Haha.